Guide to Memorial Symbols

Clasped Hands

Parting or farewell, or unity in life and death. Partnership or a bond.

Stone: Jacob W. Martin, RH Methodist

Acorn & Oak Leaves

Strength, honor, steadfastness and immortality. The acorn is a symbol of life, fertility and immortality. 

 Stone: Joseph R. Spurr, RH Methodist


Alludes to parts of life lived and parts that were yet to come on either side of the rolled document.

Stone: Massonneau, RH Lutheran


Stands for memory and victory over death.

Stone: Margaret R. Cole, RH Methodist

Draped Urn

The funerary urn is found on many 19th century monuments when Classical symbols were popular, the drape is a cover or veil between life and death.

Stone: Richard Nicks, RH Methodist


Symbolizes immortal love or a union that will never fade. A broken rose symbolizes life cut short.

Stone: George W. Fraleigh, RH Methodist

Lily of the Valley

A return of happiness, or humility, chastity, sweetness and purity.

Stone: Claude Hoffman, Old Red Church, Tivoli

Masonic Symbols

Shriners (left): The scimitar stands for its members, the points of the crescent represent the fraternity and its philanthropy.  The sphinx’s head represents the head of the organization.  The five-pointed star represents the children that the Shriners’ efforts help. Masons (right): The square (bottom V shape) symbolizes morality, honesty and fairness. The compass (top V shape) Moderation, integrity, and wisdom. The “G” may stand for Geometry, or for “Great Architect”

Stone: William Witherwax, Old Red Church, Tivoli

Independent Order of Odd Fellows

The symbol of this fraternal organization is three chain links which symbolize Friendship, Love and Truth.

Stone: John H. Shafer, RH Lutheran


Friendship and immortality, eternity, fidelity, and strong affectionate attachment.

Stone: Minne & Ralph Traver, RH Lutheran


Represents the light of Christ, or knowledge and learning.

Stone: Terpening/MacMichael, RH Lutheran


Stands for many things, including eternity or immortality and divine guidance, hope, dreams and life everlasting.

Stone: Nathan Beckwith, St. John’s Upper Red Hook


A weeping willow symbolizes mourning, grief and earthly sorrow.

Stone: Jacob B. VanSteenburg, St. John’s Upper RH